That may have changed with my acquisition of this album from 1997 called "With a Twist...". I just freakin' LOVE it!!! It's got alot of his well-known hits on it ('Can We Still Be Friends', 'Hello, It's Me'), but he's arranged them with a bossa-nova feel. What a brainstorm on Todd's part! Who woulda thought this would work?! Not me.
But work, it does, my friends. Work it does.
Eat your heart out, Sergio Mendes.
I love Karla B!! I'll have to check this album out. Do people still say album?
You are seriously Bossa Nova crazed! You're like the kid who will eat ANYTHING if you put whipped cream on it. Bossa Nova is your addictive substance... (yeah, let's ignore skin ink, politics, and Starbucks for now).
Having said that, this musak is insane! I adore it, even if the beat slogs through "Can we still be friends" and "Mated," and he could have done a better job with "Love is the answer" (that was a disappointment). It's so easy to be a headphone critic!!! "I saw the light" is sooooo beautiful.
Um beijo grande, minha menina!
If I can be a critic, for just a moment, my one and only disappointment was "Hello, It's Me". That is one of the Rundgren songs that I always loved, and I was hoping to hear an even better version. Not so much. But, yeah... even with the topless picture of Todd, on the back of the CD, this is still a gem.
And for you Todd fans, check out the album he produced for Cheap Trick, "Next Position, Please". One of the lesser known CT albums, but a goody. "Heaven's Falling" still ranks as one of my favorite songs by the band. I think Todd even wrote that one.
Yeah, Todd... yeah, Cheap Trick!
Yeah, Kate, for discovering this swell album!!
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