If'n y'all were not already boycotting WalMart (I wasn't -- I like cheap stuff), you may wish to begin doing so now after reading this article about how they are officially mobilizing against Democrats...
OI! I've been trying to do it for years. The sad thing is that they are the only place that sells my favorite earbud headphones. BUT, I may need to reconsider. I am sick and FREAKIN' TIRED of big business manipulating politics.
Not to mention the extreme cruelty going to the poor kids making all the Wal-Mart white trash clothing.
Go watch/rent "WAL-MART: The High Cost of Low Prices" if you want to see what this company is all about. And it doesn't even go into the political arena.
Geez, three paragraphs and not a single joke. That's what Wal-Mart does to me. :-(
F them! That is some MAJOR BULLSHIT. Is it November yet?
OI! I've been trying to do it for years. The sad thing is that they are the only place that sells my favorite earbud headphones. BUT, I may need to reconsider. I am sick and FREAKIN' TIRED of big business manipulating politics.
Not to mention the extreme cruelty going to the poor kids making all the Wal-Mart white trash clothing.
Go watch/rent "WAL-MART: The High Cost of Low Prices" if you want to see what this company is all about. And it doesn't even go into the political arena.
Geez, three paragraphs and not a single joke. That's what Wal-Mart does to me. :-(
Wow, I was boycotting Walmart but now I am back to shopping there. I'd much rather boycott Liberals!
Go Wally World!
yes "anonymous"
rally for your cause there...
it must be a good one to throw your NAME behind it like that.
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