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I thought I would share just a couple more photos that my cousin John sent me (see previous post for background on this story). This first one is my Uncle Jack on his wedding day with Aunt Agnes. (Cousin John is their son. I know this is confusing; stay with me, people!) The second photo is my Aunt Agnes with, yes, the Lord Voldemort of the Weber clan, my grandfather, the one and only George Byron Weber, Ladies and Gentlemen! This is the fella who dropped all the kids off at the orphanage back in 1938 after my grandmother passed away. It's totally bizarre to actually see what he looked like after all this time! Not what I would have expected, but most of my family are strapping Irishmen, and this fella is... not. BWAHHAAHHAHAH! My dad used to call him the Filthy Kraut. Ahhhhh... Family!
Filthy Kraut? Hahaha. I love old world racism. My mother-in-law says the world "polak" all the time, even though they are 100% Polish. It reminds me of All in the Family. Those photos are really cool.
Pretty fuckin' sweet. But if we find out your birth name was Jill, you're out.
Wow... all that info, and NOT even utilizing the help of the LDS Family History Library! It's probably just as well... since the dear old gent who loaded the copy machines, one Arthur "Killer" Kane, passed away, it may have been a little tougher getting that information for you. I'm glad you connected with Cuzzin' John (I have one of those, too... he can string spaghetti up his nose, and out through his mouth... and turn his eyelids inside out... and we share the same birthday... ummm... enough about MY Cuzzin' John) and were able to get some pictures to put faces behind the names... even if they were named Der Filthy Kraut!
love this story, kate. all the drama! but - in all honesty - finding family and connecting dots is so rewarding. congrats!
If anyone knows of a Jean or Jeannie Flaitz/Flaitze might be her last name same as her mothers Zita Flaitz. She grew up in the near by neighborhood as my mother near the Orphanage. Please contact me at Also my mothers brother was John Michael Flaitz. I will say this, my mother's adopted dad was awesome but he didn't know about the horror of abuse she and her brother suffered from the two horrible step mothers. They were better off in the orphanage. My mother and her brother would get beaten everyday, then that evil step mother died. Then the second one came a little later with her five kids and she pushed my mother and her brother aside and made them last for everything and would make them go into the pitch dark basement and strip theor cothes off then she would beat them until they literally would passout with a huge thick leather razor belt. My mother and her brother was so dramatized from her it was not z life for anyone. Then one day, my mother caught that evil woman rapping her brother. When they both finished high school there, they both joined the Navy to get away from that woman and her kids. We went back to my moms house that her dad, her and her brother literally built together and it doesn't belong to any of them but somehow the evil step mother took it. We sll went there one dau to see her dad and prayed that the evil one wasn't there. We were happy that she wasn't. I was ready for a fight with whoever was going to mess with my mother. I met my grandfather for the first time and he gave me the biggest hug and told me he loves me very much and how happy he was at that very moment because we wete ther. He then gave my mother two triple E savings bonds that he had from the day he adopted her and he gave her her brother's to give to him. My mother used that money to get us a house. The story is much longer. She is the most greatest amazing mothers in this world. From all the hardships she faced, she made it out and made a life the best she could for my brother and I. So many adopted children went into horrible abusive homes and made to be slaves. The church then never did background checks. So many of these sweet beautiful children suffered after leaving the Orphanage
So sad. My mothers story is long. I love her with all my heart and I had a beautiful fun childhood thanks all to her and my amazing stepdad♡♡ God Bless all and our beautiful children🙏🏼
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