Sheesh... couldn't they have at least ponied up the money to get him in a cheap motel just this side of Nogales??Poor Mr. Siegel.
How repulsive. Cheapskates.
Hey, I'll have you know that three of us had to SHARE the limo coming here!For once, I actually do feel like a Fancy Lad...
Are there any openings at his company. I'm extrememly well qualified - I love all spa treatments and I have my own dressing gown and slippers.....The Broken Man
What I want to know is why he didn't take you with him ~ ??? Where is the justice??
You couldn't come with? You could've visited ME!
those fuckers. what cheap, tasteless fuckers. what's a guy gotta do, or who, to get something nice these days while traveling?geez, back in the day they'd at least put ya up in a holiday inn 'n shit....
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Sheesh... couldn't they have at least ponied up the money to get him in a cheap motel just this side of Nogales??
Poor Mr. Siegel.
How repulsive. Cheapskates.
Hey, I'll have you know that three of us had to SHARE the limo coming here!
For once, I actually do feel like a Fancy Lad...
Are there any openings at his company. I'm extrememly well qualified - I love all spa treatments and I have my own dressing gown and slippers.....
The Broken Man
What I want to know is why he didn't take you with him ~ ??? Where is the justice??
You couldn't come with? You could've visited ME!
those fuckers. what cheap, tasteless fuckers. what's a guy gotta do, or who, to get something nice these days while traveling?
geez, back in the day they'd at least put ya up in a holiday inn 'n shit....
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