So I'm sure some of y'all are familiar with the brilliant and hysterical Ricky Gervais, who originated the role of the obnoxious boss on the original "The Office". He was co-creator and star of the show on the BBC. He also did another show called "Extras" which might even be funnier than "The Office"...

What you may NOT know about Ricky is that before he was a TV star, he was... A BRIT-POP IDOL! He was in a band called 'Seona Dancing' in the '80s. Maybe you can tell that from the look he sports in these pix! And check out the song below, via YouTube! It's actually pretty terrific.

You gonna see his new flick?
Oh.My.God. That is too funny. I love that man and my favorite Extras episode was when Harry Potter was on it. The one with Kate Winslet was really good, too.
So, did you get this idea from my old blog post? Or are we just thinking on the same wavelength, again... this time a few months separating?
Forgive me, I still don't know how to imbed... ;-)
Oh, now Kate, before you go and do a post about how Stephen "Tin Tin" Duffy was the original singer of Duran Duran (before any recordings were made), I just wanted to let you know, that I already covered it. Oh, and feel free to borrow the picture, too!! ;-)
Oh, and while you are there, scroll down through the other March posts, and look at the one about the Liberty Horses and Neill MacColl. There are some interesting facts that I had forgotten about. Sorry, no link. I'm lazy that way!! :-)
Did you see the Ricky Gervais/Steve Carrell bit on the Emmy's last night? That's about all I saw of the show, but Gervais was a hoot!!
AND he was a girl - because he seriously looks like a girl in those younger photos. :)
*melanie from www.meli-mello.com
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