So, I pick my young'un up from school today, and he casually mentions that he and some of his peeps were discussing Proposition 8, one of the initiatives on California's Nov. 8 ballot here in California.
For those of you not familiar with it (i.e., not from these parts), I will explain it by telling you the official name of the measure: Eliminates Right of Same-Sex Couples to Marry. Yup, that about sums it up. It, in fact, amends the California constitution.
So I was pretty interested to hear what my child had to say about this, and what his conversation with his friends involved. He told me that "this other kid brought it up," saying that he was in favor of Prop 8, and then soliciting the opinions of the other kids, including mine.
So what does MY young'un do?! My precious little liberal commie pinko offspring? Why, he defends equal rights for all, naturally! "I don't think you should be able to make different rules for people because of their beliefs, or who they are. That's just not fair. That would be like making everyone eat Kosher food, even if they're not Jewish." BWAHHAHAHHAHAHA! I *LOVE* it!
So the other kid says, "Well, I saw a commercial that said they could start teaching us to be gay in school!" Evan replies, "Don't believe everything you see in commercials." WHOA! I know grown-ups with less sophisticated reasoning ability!
Anyway, I just had to share this. I am SO proud of him! Not only for his well-thought-out opinion on the matter, but for his willingness to voice that opinion to someone who disagreed. And he's only 10!
Kids are amazing.